Safety and Preparedness

Your teams’ ability to manage critical situations and emergencies is essential to mitigating costly unpredictable risks and saving lives. The quality of training is a key determinant of response effectiveness.

With Urban’s safety training, leverage real-field risk, safety and reconstruction simulations to improve workforce safety and productivity.   

Safety and Emergency Training Challenges

Emergencies such as natural disasters, public health emergencies and industrial accidents are industry agnostic, indiscriminately threatening the productivity and safety of workers. 

A workforce that has received poor safety training aggravates the influence of critical external emergencies, exposing projects to a much greater risk of delays, workplace injuries, and liability encounters.

Conventional safety training methods like classroom-based learning, onsite instructions and physical simulators demand a compromise of fundamental training elements.


Affordability: Costly physical simulators, transport, short supply of trainers

Accessibility: Limited to site, classroom, or physical simulator location

Capacity: Restricted availability of personnel, space and physical simulators

Adaptability: Difficult to replicate dynamic complex real-world scenarios 

Consistency: Varied trainer methods risk contradictive communications

Touchscreen Safety Training Solutions

We utilise next generation CGI Simulations with inbuilt AI technology to create safety training simulations.

Our outputs give you realistic, 3D touchscreen interactive scenario-based solutions to reduce costs, improve retention and productivity with a micro-credentialled, LMS-linked safety training solution.

Through gamifying real-world situations into a “no harm” environment, teams are exposed to a highly engaging training tool they can access on their phone, tablet or computer. 

We transform safety documents, slides and corporate safety knowledge into customised, precise instructional design and induction safety training solutions.  

We also simulate and test safety scenarios with AI agents across fire, smoke, access and egress, usability, instructions in integrated environments – using your BIM, CAD, scans or even just photos and ideas. 

When is the right time for Touchscreen Safety Training?

New Staff and Contractors – when you have new staff or contractors on-site and you need to be assured they have the details right. 

Distributed Staff – when you have many staff distributed far and wide who need to be on the same page about safety updates and processes.

High Risk – when your situations are high risk and can result in injury or worse. 

Liability and Consequence – when there is high risks in liability and consequence from near misses or incidents.

Safety First Culture – when you have a safety first culture and cannot make compromises.

Perpetual Accreditation – when you need a convenient, low-cost way for your team to repeat safety training, conveniently at their fingertips in 1-5 minute vignettes.

Touchscreen Safety Training Benefits

Training Assurance

Dashboard Feedback

Cost Reductions

Accessibility Anywhere

Save Classroom Time

Save on Logisitics

Live and Real-Time

Unlimited Users

Redeploy Money

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