Big 3D data models come to life Interactive CGI

Interactive digital systems driven by data for efficient and effective planning

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Last Updated on May 31, 2024

We’re living in an age of technology where everything and everyone is connected.

“Big data” is a commodity, and data mash-up for interactive digital systems is transforming process quality, efficiency and risk profiles. It’s a smarter way of doing the same thing, but accelerates productivity and provides certainty of outcome.

Geospatial remote sensing data is delivered by the terabyte on a regular cycle, recording situational change. This is rich, high quality, accurate 3D data over tens or hundreds of square kilometres. In point cloud LiDAR forms, aerial photography, photo-mesh and other forms.

The question is, how do we make this data sing? How can we use it to bring our projects, meetings and decisions to life in real-time? It is not just about seeing the past, even if it were yesterday – it is about seeing and experimenting with the future.

It doesn’t matter whether you are in the asset planning, procurement, construction or operations phase, efficient interface management, certainty and getting people to work more effectively together are primary project drivers.

Knowing how to leverage this data across multiple systems to continuously drive productivity, manage change and risk, is a high value proposition.

Harnessing Big Data for City Planning

The scale and quality of data inflow is mind-blowing. The survey and sensor industry is constantly developing its technology so now we have terrabytes of data streaming daily. When this data is brought to life, incredible value can be delivered every day, time and time again.

Large datasets are hard to use on a daily basis. They can be clunky and often end up sitting in a cupboard, on a server or hard drive. Big data gets barely used or worse − simplified for basic application.

For example, the challenge with a 10-points-per-square-metre LiDAR scan of 400 square kilometres, and the associated 60Gb of 0.06m resolution aerial is how to use and integrate the data to support collaboration and smart decision making – so you can avoid surprises, test and re-test, prove it up and refresh daily.

Big data that runs fast and integrates with other information is more useful and drives real value. For example, the ACT Government is using its Interactive Digital City Model to enable its Smart City agenda, drive staff productivity and transform city-changing projects. It’s an everyday management tool they are normalising as standard practice.

Let’s say goodbye to days of wasted time reviewing plans in isolation and say hello to instant results. Right from the concept phase you can use a bespoke Interactive Digital System, such as a 3D City Model workflow to test, option up, test again and resolve issues on the spot, in real-time – that’s where we come in.

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