Infrastructure Planning Articles and Insights

Burn Digital Carbon, not real Carbon: 5 Interactive CO2 Reduction Examples

Save money, time and risk – and save the planet. That is the opportunity with Interactive Digital Systems deployed well.

Dr. Ben Guy

Big 3D data models come to life Interactive CGI

We’re living in an age of technology where everything and everyone is connected. “Big data” is a commodity, and data mash-up for interactive digital systems is transforming process quality, efficiency and risk profiles.

Dr. Ben Guy

Collaborative Development for 3D Real-Time Planning Models

With all the hype about how ‘easy’ it is to make incredible 3D interactive products online, some clients are asking themselves – why don’t we just make these 3D scenes ourselves?

Dr. Ben Guy

20 ways to reduce planning and engagement costs with CGI planning engagement simulations.

BIM-based simulations have the potential to revolutionise the way we plan and design infrastructure in our cities. Traditional planning methods are often time-consuming and can be difficult to use when trying to visualise and understand the full impact of a proposed infrastructure project. In contrast, simulations in an Urban BIM context allow for an intuitive …

Dr. Ben Guy

Gordon Cullen: Serial Vision in Urban Design

Learn about Gordon Cullen’s concept of serial vision in urban design – with traditional and contemporary serial vision examples.

Dr. Ben Guy

How much faster is option development, planning approvals and stakeholder engagement with Urban CGI?

Our Property focused interactive Kiosks are improving; property sale volumes, conversion rates, sale values, customer engagement, attachment and commitment. In this article we demonstrate how our 3D interactive Kiosks enable customers to quickly engage with the site and information.

Dr. Ben Guy

‘Digital Twin’ or ‘Digital Zombie’? 3 Tests for Digital Life and Inter-Activity

Large data sets representing assets and systems are not really that new. The term ‘digital twins’ is a trendy new catchphrase. It is worth thinking about what it is and is not.

Dr. Ben Guy